Post Treatment Advice
White Filling or Inlay
» Take care following your visit to the dentist, as it is likely you will be numb in the area you have had treatment, the numbness will last from 2 to 4 hours depending, during this time please be careful not to bite your lips, tongue or cheek, and be aware of hot foods or drinks.
» White fillings and inlays are set in surgery, therefore you are able to eat on these as soon as your numbness wears off.
» It is normal to experience sensitivity to hot/cold/and pressure following this treatment, this should ease within a few days to a week, should you experience this applying a sensitive toothpaste to the tooth may relieve symptoms.
» You may notice your gums are a little inflamed for a few days following, this is normal.
» Should you have any persisting problems, please feel free to contact the surgery where we will be able to advise you further or make an appointment.
» Take care following your visit to the dentist, as you will be numb in the area you have had treatment, the numbness will last from 2 to 4 hours depending, during this time please be careful not to bite your lips, tongue or cheek, and be aware of hot foods or drinks
» Avoid excessive exercising for 24 hours
» Avoid alcohol and smoking for 24 hours
» Avoid rinsing out or eating on the side you have had an extraction for 24 hours
» Take painkillers as prescribed on the packet, and as advised by your dentist
» The following day rinse gently with warm salty mouthwash, and continue after meals and before bed for 3-4days.
» If you experience excessive bleeding - roll up a clean piece of gauze and bite firmly on it for 10-15 mins - this should stop the bleeding.
» It is not unusual to experience pain, swelling or discomfort for a few days.
» If you continue to have pain or bleeding please contact the surgery.
Root Canal Treatment
» Take care following your visit to the dentist, as you will be numb in the area you have had treatment, the numbness will last from 2 to 4 hours depending, during this time please be careful not to bite your lips, tongue or cheek, and be aware of hot foods or drinks
» If your de ntist has given you antibiotics to treat the infection, it is important you finish the course of antibiotics, even if your symptoms have gone.
» It is normal for your tooth to be tender to pressure in the days following your treatment, or between visits to complete your treatment, if this is persistant or any swelling occurs please contact the surgery.
»Should you require pain relief, you can take over the counter painkillers as directed by the manufacturer.
» It is vital to complete all stages of your Root Canal Treatment to avoid pain/swelling/infection returning in the future.
» If your temporary dressing comes out between visits please contact the surgery to have this replaced.
Crown or Bridge Preparation
» Take care following your visit to the dentist, as you will be numb in the area you have had treatment, the numbness will last from 2 to 4 hours depending, during this time please be careful not to bite your lips, tongue or cheek, and be aware of hot foods or drinks
» A temporary crown or bridge will have been fitted to prevent the teeth on either side of the preparation from moving, and to protect the prepared teeth, if your temporary comes out please contact the surgery to have it replaced.
» Temporarys are prone to staining, thus it is advisable to avoid red wine/curries/strong coffee etc.
» Brush and floss carefully as not to lose your temporary
» It is possible you may experience sensitivity to hot and cold until your final restoration is placed